Postal Research at CEDAR
Postal Research at CEDAR has been ongoing Since 1984. This page contains links to several documents highlighting some of the accomplishments.


  1. 1983: First USPS contract awarded.
  2. 1989: Early paper on recognizing ZIP Codes in Handwritten Postal Addresses[pdf,6.5MB]
  3. 1993: First paper on determining delivery point codes from handwritten addresses[pdf, 3.1MB]
  4. 1995: Remote Computer Reader (RCR): Paper describing the first installation of a handwriting recognition system by the United Postal Sevice. Published in ICDAR 1995.
  5. 2005: Summary Presentation, based on presentation given at IDA in 2005 on "Ten most important achievements of AI". [pdf, 207KB]
  6. 2006: Pattern Recognition in the Post Office: A Decade of Achievement, IAPR Newsletter, April 2006, with introduction by Larry O'Gorman. [pdf, 418KB]

  1. How Do Post Office Machines Read Addresses: Live Science, August 17, 2007.
  2. Computing Handwritten Envelopes : The Washington Post, May 17, 1999.
  3. Artificial intelligence goes postal: Science, February 21, 1997.
  4. Moving Scribbled Mail Along, New York Times 1992.