// See: http://www.crockford.com/javascript/jslint.html /*global DWREngine, Option, alert, document, setTimeout, window */ /** * Declare a constructor function to which we can add real functions. * @constructor */ function DWRUtil() { } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // The following functions are described in util-compat.html /** * Enables you to react to return being pressed in an input * For example: * <input type="text" onkeypressed="DWRUtil.onReturn(event, methodName)"/> * @see http://www.getahead.ltd.uk/dwr/util-compat.html * @param event The event object for Netscape browsers * @param action Method name to execute when return is pressed */ DWRUtil.onReturn = function(event, action) { if (!event) { event = window.event; } if (event && event.keyCode && event.keyCode == 13) { action(); } }; /** * Select a specific range in a text box. * This is useful for 'google suggest' type functionallity. * @see http://www.getahead.ltd.uk/dwr/util-compat.html * @param ele The id of the text input element or the HTML element itself * @param start The beginning index * @param end The end index */ DWRUtil.selectRange = function(ele, start, end) { var orig = ele; ele = $(ele); if (ele == null) { alert("selectRange() can't find an element with id: " + orig + "."); return; } if (ele.setSelectionRange) { ele.setSelectionRange(start, end); } else if (ele.createTextRange) { var range = ele.createTextRange(); range.moveStart("character", start); range.moveEnd("character", end - ele.value.length); range.select(); } ele.focus(); }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // The following functions are described in util-general.html /** * Find the element in the current HTML document with the given id, or if more * than one parameter is passed, return an array containing the found elements. * Any non-string arguments are left as is in the reply. * This function is inspired by the prototype library however it probably works * on more browsers than the original. * @see http://www.getahead.ltd.uk/dwr/util-general.html */ function $() { var elements = new Array(); for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { var element = arguments[i]; if (typeof element == 'string') { if (document.getElementById) { element = document.getElementById(element); } else if (document.all) { element = document.all[element]; } } if (arguments.length == 1) { return element; } elements.push(element); } return elements; } /** * A better toString than the default for an Object * @param data The object to describe * @param level 0 = Single line of debug, 1 = Multi-line debug that does not * dig into child objects, 2 = Multi-line debug that digs into the * 2nd layer of child objects * @param depth How much do we indent this item? * @see http://www.getahead.ltd.uk/dwr/util-general.html */ DWRUtil.toDescriptiveString = function(data, level, depth) { var reply = ""; var i = 0; var value; if (level == null) { level = 0; } if (depth == null) { depth = 0; } if (data == null) { return "null"; } if (DWRUtil._isArray(data)) { reply = "["; if (level != 0) { reply += "\n"; } for (i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { try { obj = data[i]; if (obj == null || typeof obj == "function") { continue; } else if (typeof obj == "object") { if (level > 0) { value = DWRUtil.toDescriptiveString(obj, level - 1, depth + 1); } else { value = DWRUtil._detailedTypeOf(obj); } } else { value = "" + obj; value = value.replace(/\/n/g, "\\n"); value = value.replace(/\/t/g, "\\t"); } } catch (ex) { value = "" + ex; } if (level == 0 && value.length > 13) { value = value.substring(0, 10) + "..."; } reply += value; reply += ", "; if (level != 0) { reply += "\n"; } if (level == 0 && i > 5) { reply += "..."; break; } } reply += "]"; return reply; } if (typeof data == "string" || typeof data == "number" || DWRUtil._isDate(data)) { return data.toString(); } if (typeof data == "object") { var typename = DWRUtil._detailedTypeOf(data); if (typename != "Object") { reply = typename + " "; } if (level != 0) { reply += DWRUtil._indent(level, depth); } reply += "{"; if (level != 0) { reply += "\n"; } var isHtml = DWRUtil._isHTMLElement(data); for (var prop in data) { if (isHtml) { if (prop.toUpperCase() == prop || prop == "title" || prop == "lang" || prop == "dir" || prop == "className" || prop == "form" || prop == "name" || prop == "prefix" || prop == "namespaceURI" || prop == "nodeType" || prop == "firstChild" || prop == "lastChild" || prop.match(/^offset/)) { // HTML nodes have far too much stuff. Chop out the constants continue; } } value = ""; try { obj = data[prop]; if (obj == null || typeof obj == "function") { continue; } else if (typeof obj == "object") { if (level > 0) { value = "\n"; value += DWRUtil._indent(level, depth + 2); value = DWRUtil.toDescriptiveString(obj, level - 1, depth + 1); } else { value = DWRUtil._detailedTypeOf(obj); } } else { value = "" + obj; value = value.replace(/\/n/g, "\\n"); value = value.replace(/\/t/g, "\\t"); } } catch (ex) { value = "" + ex; } if (level == 0 && value.length > 13) { value = value.substring(0, 10) + "..."; } if (level != 0) { reply += DWRUtil._indent(level, depth + 1); } reply += prop; reply += ":"; reply += value; reply += ", "; if (level != 0) { reply += "\n"; } i++; if (level == 0 && i > 5) { reply += "..."; break; } } reply += DWRUtil._indent(level, depth); reply += "}"; return reply; } return data.toString(); }; /** * Indenting for DWRUtil.toDescriptiveString * @private */ DWRUtil._indent = function(level, depth) { var reply = ""; if (level != 0) { for (var j = 0; j < depth; j++) { reply += "--"; } reply += " "; } return reply; }; /** * Setup a GMail style loading message. * @see http://www.getahead.ltd.uk/dwr/util-general.html */ DWRUtil.useLoadingMessage = function() { var disabledZone = document.createElement('div'); disabledZone.setAttribute('id', 'disabledZone'); disabledZone.style.position = "absolute"; disabledZone.style.zIndex = "1000"; disabledZone.style.left = "0px"; disabledZone.style.top = "0px"; disabledZone.style.width = "100%"; disabledZone.style.height = "100%"; document.body.appendChild(disabledZone); var messageZone = document.createElement('div'); messageZone.setAttribute('id', 'messageZone'); messageZone.style.position = "absolute"; messageZone.style.top = "0px"; messageZone.style.right = "0px"; messageZone.style.background = "red"; messageZone.style.color = "white"; messageZone.style.fontFamily = "Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif"; messageZone.style.padding = "4px"; disabledZone.appendChild(messageZone); var text = document.createTextNode('Loading'); messageZone.appendChild(text); $('disabledZone').style.visibility = 'hidden'; DWREngine.setPreHook(function() { $('disabledZone').style.visibility = 'visible'; }); DWREngine.setPostHook(function() { $('disabledZone').style.visibility = 'hidden'; }); }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // The following functions are described in util-simple.html /** * Set the value for the given id to the specified val. * This method works for selects (where the option with a matching value and * not text is selected), input elements (including textareas) divs and spans. * @see http://www.getahead.ltd.uk/dwr/util-simple.html * @param ele The id of the element or the HTML element itself */ DWRUtil.setValue = function(ele, val) { if (val == null) { val = ""; } var orig = ele; ele = $(ele); if (ele == null) { alert("setValue() can't find an element with id: " + orig + "."); return; } if (DWRUtil._isHTMLElement(ele, "select")) { // search through the values var found = false; var i; for (i = 0; i < ele.options.length; i++) { if (ele.options[i].value == val) { ele.options[i].selected = true; found = true; } else { ele.options[i].selected = false; } } // If that fails then try searching through the visible text if (found) { return; } for (i = 0; i < ele.options.length; i++) { if (ele.options[i].text == val) { ele.options[i].selected = true; break; } } return; } if (DWRUtil._isHTMLElement(ele, "input")) { switch (ele.type) { case "checkbox": case "check-box": case "radio": ele.checked = (val == true); return; default: ele.value = val; return; } } if (DWRUtil._isHTMLElement(ele, "textarea")) { ele.value = val; return; } ele.innerHTML = val; }; /** * The counterpart to setValue() - read the current value for a given element. * This method works for selects (where the option with a matching value and * not text is selected), input elements (including textareas) divs and spans. * @see http://www.getahead.ltd.uk/dwr/util-simple.html * @param ele The id of the element or the HTML element itself */ DWRUtil.getValue = function(ele) { var orig = ele; ele = $(ele); if (ele == null) { alert("getValue() can't find an element with id: " + orig + "."); return; } if (DWRUtil._isHTMLElement(ele, "select")) { // This is a bit of a scam because it assumes single select // but I'm not sure how we should treat multi-select. var sel = ele.selectedIndex; if (sel != -1) { var reply = ele.options[sel].value; if (reply == null || reply == "") { reply = ele.options[sel].text; } return reply; } else { return ""; } } if (DWRUtil._isHTMLElement(ele, "input")) { switch (ele.type) { case "checkbox": case "check-box": case "radio": return ele.checked; default: return ele.value; } } if (DWRUtil._isHTMLElement(ele, "textarea")) { return ele.value; } return ele.innerHTML; }; /** * getText() is like getValue() with the except that it only works for selects * where it reads the text of an option and not it's value. * @see http://www.getahead.ltd.uk/dwr/util-simple.html * @param ele The id of the element or the HTML element itself */ DWRUtil.getText = function(ele) { var orig = ele; ele = $(ele); if (ele == null) { alert("getText() can't find an element with id: " + orig + "."); return; } if (!DWRUtil._isHTMLElement(ele, "select")) { alert("getText() can only be used with select elements. Attempt to use: " + DWRUtil._detailedTypeOf(ele) + " from id: " + orig + "."); return; } // This is a bit of a scam because it assumes single select // but I'm not sure how we should treat multi-select. var sel = ele.selectedIndex; if (sel != -1) { return ele.options[sel].text; } else { return ""; } }; /** * Given a map, call setValue() for all the entries in the map using the key * of each entry as an id. * @see http://www.getahead.ltd.uk/dwr/util-simple.html * @param map The map of values to set to various elements */ DWRUtil.setValues = function(map) { for (var property in map) { var ele = $(property); if (ele != null) { var value = map[property]; DWRUtil.setValue(property, value); } } }; /** * Given a map, call getValue() for all the entries in the map using the key * of each entry as an id. * @see http://www.getahead.ltd.uk/dwr/util-simple.html * @param map The map of values to set to various elements */ DWRUtil.getValues = function(map) { for (var property in map) { var ele = $(property); if (ele != null) { map[property] = DWRUtil.getValue(property); } } }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // The following functions are described in util-list.html /** * Add options to a list from an array or map. * DWRUtil.addOptions has 5 modes: *

* DWRUtil.addOptions(selectid, array) and a set of options are created with the * text and value set to the string version of each array element. *


Array of objects, using option text = option value
* DWRUtil.addOptions(selectid, data, prop) creates an option for each array * element, with the value and text of the option set to the given property of * each object in the array. *


Array of objects, with differing option text and value
* DWRUtil.addOptions(selectid, array, valueprop, textprop) creates an option * for each object in the array, with the value of the option set to the given * valueprop property of the object, and the option text set to the textprop * property. *


Map (object)
* DWRUtil.addOptions(selectid, map, reverse) creates an option for each * property. The property names are used as option values, and the property * values are used as option text, which sounds wrong, but is actually normally * the right way around. If reverse evaluates to true then the property values * are used as option values. *

ol or ul list
* DWRUtil.addOptions(ulid, array) and a set of li elements are created with the * innerHTML set to the string value of the array elements. This mode works * with ul and ol lists. *

* @see http://www.getahead.ltd.uk/dwr/util-list.html * @param ele The id of the list element or the HTML element itself * @param data An array or map of data items to populate the list * @param valuerev (optional) If data is an array of objects, an optional * property name to use for option values. If the data is a map then this * boolean property allows you to swap keys and values. * @param textprop (optional) Only for use with arrays of objects - an optional * property name for use as the text of an option. */ DWRUtil.addOptions = function(ele, data, valuerev, textprop) { var orig = ele; ele = $(ele); if (ele == null) { alert("addOptions() can't find an element with id: " + orig + "."); return; } var useOptions = DWRUtil._isHTMLElement(ele, "select"); var useLi = DWRUtil._isHTMLElement(ele, ["ul", "ol"]); if (!useOptions && !useLi) { alert("fillList() can only be used with select elements. Attempt to use: " + DWRUtil._detailedTypeOf(ele)); return; } // Bail if we have no data if (data == null) { return; } var text; var value; if (DWRUtil._isArray(data)) { // Loop through the data that we do have for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { if (useOptions) { if (valuerev != null) { if (textprop != null) { text = data[i][textprop]; value = data[i][valuerev]; } else { value = data[i][valuerev]; text = value; } } else { if (textprop != null) { text = data[i][textprop]; value = text; } else { text = "" + data[i]; value = text; } } var opt = new Option(text, value); ele.options[ele.options.length] = opt; } else { li = document.createElement("li"); li.innerHTML = "" + data[i]; ele.appendChild(li); } } } else { for (var prop in data) { if (!useOptions) { alert("DWRUtil.addOptions can only create select lists from objects."); return; } if (valuerev) { text = prop; value = data[prop]; } else { text = data[prop]; value = prop; } var opt = new Option(text, value); ele.options[ele.options.length] = opt; } } }; /** * Remove all the options from a select list (specified by id) * @see http://www.getahead.ltd.uk/dwr/util-list.html * @param ele The id of the list element or the HTML element itself */ DWRUtil.removeAllOptions = function(ele) { var orig = ele; ele = $(ele); if (ele == null) { alert("removeAllOptions() can't find an element with id: " + orig + "."); return; } var useOptions = DWRUtil._isHTMLElement(ele, "select"); var useLi = DWRUtil._isHTMLElement(ele, ["ul", "ol"]); if (!useOptions && !useLi) { alert("removeAllOptions() can only be used with select, ol and ul elements. Attempt to use: " + DWRUtil._detailedTypeOf(ele)); return; } if (useOptions) { // Empty the list ele.options.length = 0; } else { while (ele.childNodes.length > 0) { ele.removeChild(ele.firstChild); } } }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // The following functions are described in util-table.html /** * Create rows inside a the table, tbody, thead or tfoot element (given by id). * The normal case would be to use tbody since that allows you to keep header * lines separate, but this function should work with and table element above * tr. * This function creates a row for each element in the data array * and for that row create one cell for each function in the * cellFuncs array by passing the element from the * data array to the given function. * The return from the function is used to populate the cell. *

The pseudo code looks something like this: *

 *   for each member of the data array
 *     for function in the cellFuncs array
 *       create cell from cellFunc(data[i])
* One slight modification to this is that any members of the cellFuncs array * that are strings instead of functions, the strings are used as cell contents * directly. * @see http://www.getahead.ltd.uk/dwr/util-table.html * @param ele The id of the tbody element * @param data Array containing one entry for each row in the updated table * @param cellFuncs An array of functions (one per column) for extracting cell * data from the passed row data */ DWRUtil.addRows = function(ele, data, cellFuncs) { var orig = ele; ele = $(ele); if (ele == null) { alert("addRows() can't find an element with id: " + orig + "."); return; } if (!DWRUtil._isHTMLElement(ele, ["table", "tbody", "thead", "tfoot"])) { alert("addRows() can only be used with table, tbody, thead and tfoot elements. Attempt to use: " + DWRUtil._detailedTypeOf(ele)); return; } // assure bug-free redraw in Gecko engine by // letting window show cleared table if (navigator.product && navigator.product == "Gecko") { setTimeout(function() { DWRUtil._addRowsInner(ele, data, cellFuncs); }, 0); } else { DWRUtil._addRowsInner(ele, data, cellFuncs); } }; /** * Internal function to help rendering tables. * @see DWRUtil.addRows(ele, data, cellFuncs) * @private */ DWRUtil._addRowsInner = function(ele, data, cellFuncs) { var frag = document.createDocumentFragment(); if (DWRUtil._isArray(data)) { // loop through data source for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { DWRUtil._addRowInner(frag, data[i], cellFuncs); } } else if (typeof data == "object") { for (var row in data) { DWRUtil._addRowInner(frag, row, cellFuncs); } } ele.appendChild(frag); }; /** * Iternal function to draw a single row of a table. * @private */ DWRUtil._addRowInner = function(frag, row, cellFuncs) { var tr = document.createElement("tr"); for (var j = 0; j < cellFuncs.length; j++) { var func = cellFuncs[j]; var td; if (typeof func == "string") { td = document.createElement("td"); var text = document.createTextNode(func); td.appendChild(text); tr.appendChild(td); } else { var reply = func(row); if (DWRUtil._isHTMLElement(reply, "td")) { td = reply; } else if (DWRUtil._isHTMLElement(reply)) { td = document.createElement("td"); td.appendChild(reply); } else { td = document.createElement("td"); td.innerHTML = reply; //var text = document.createTextNode(reply); //td.appendChild(text); } tr.appendChild(td); } } frag.appendChild(tr); }; /** * Remove all the children of a given node. * Most useful for dynamic tables where you clearChildNodes() on the tbody * element. * @see http://www.getahead.ltd.uk/dwr/util-table.html * @param ele The id of the element or the HTML element itself */ DWRUtil.removeAllRows = function(ele) { var orig = ele; ele = $(ele); if (ele == null) { alert("removeAllRows() can't find an element with id: " + orig + "."); return; } if (!DWRUtil._isHTMLElement(ele, ["table", "tbody", "thead", "tfoot"])) { alert("removeAllRows() can only be used with table, tbody, thead and tfoot elements. Attempt to use: " + DWRUtil._detailedTypeOf(ele)); return; } while (ele.childNodes.length > 0) { ele.removeChild(ele.firstChild); } }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Private functions only below here /** * Browser detection code. * This is eeevil, but the official way [if (window.someFunc) ...] does not * work when browsers differ in rendering ability rather than the use of someFunc() * For internal use only. * @private */ DWRUtil._agent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); /** * @private */ DWRUtil._isIE = ((DWRUtil._agent.indexOf("msie") != -1) && (DWRUtil._agent.indexOf("opera") == -1)); /** * Is the given node an HTML element (optionally of a given type)? * @see http://www.getahead.ltd.uk/dwr/util-compat.html * @param ele The element to test * @param nodeName eg "input", "textarea" - optional extra check for node name * or an array of valid node names. * @private */ DWRUtil._isHTMLElement = function(ele, nodeName) { if (ele == null || typeof ele != "object" || ele.nodeName == null) { return false; } if (nodeName != null) { var test = ele.nodeName.toLowerCase(); if (typeof nodeName == "string") { return test == nodeName.toLowerCase(); } if (DWRUtil._isArray(nodeName)) { var match = false; for (var i = 0; i < nodeName.length && !match; i++) { if (test == nodeName[i].toLowerCase()) { match = true; } } return match; } alert("DWRUtil._isHTMLElement was passed test node name that is neither a string or array of strings"); } }; /** * Like typeOf except that more information for an object is returned other * than "object" * @private */ DWRUtil._detailedTypeOf = function(x) { var reply = typeof x; if (reply == "object") { reply = Object.prototype.toString.apply(x); // Returns "[object class]" reply = reply.substring(8, reply.length-1); // Just get the class bit } return reply; }; /** * Array detector. * This is an attempt to work around the lack of support for instanceof in * some browsers. * @see http://www.getahead.ltd.uk/dwr/util-compat.html * @param data The object to test * @returns true iff data is an Array * @private */ DWRUtil._isArray = function(data) { return (data && data.join) ? true : false; }; /** * Date detector. * This is an attempt to work around the lack of support for instanceof in * some browsers. * @see http://www.getahead.ltd.uk/dwr/util-compat.html * @param data The object to test * @returns true iff data is a Date * @private */ DWRUtil._isDate = function(data) { return (data && data.toUTCString) ? true : false; }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Deprecated functions only below here /** * Is the given node an HTML element (optionally of a given type)? * @see http://www.getahead.ltd.uk/dwr/util-compat.html * @param ele The element to test * @param nodeName eg input, textarea - optional extra check for node name * @deprecated DWR isn't a generic Javascript library */ if (!DWRUtil.isHTMLElement) { DWRUtil.isHTMLElement = function(ele, nodeName) { DWRUtil._deprecated("DWRUtil.isHTMLElement"); if (nodeName == null) { // If I.E. worked properly we could use: // return typeof ele == "object" && ele instanceof HTMLElement; return ele != null && typeof ele == "object" && ele.nodeName != null; } else { return ele != null && typeof ele == "object" && ele.nodeName != null && ele.nodeName.toLowerCase() == nodeName.toLowerCase(); } }; } /** * Like typeOf except that more information for an object is returned other * than "object" * @deprecated DWR isn't a generic Javascript library */ if (!DWRUtil.detailedTypeOf) { DWRUtil.detailedTypeOf = function(x) { DWRUtil._deprecated("DWRUtil.detailedTypeOf"); var reply = typeof x; if (reply == "object") { reply = Object.prototype.toString.apply(x); // Returns "[object class]" reply = reply.substring(8, reply.length-1); // Just get the class bit } return reply; }; } /** * Array detector. * This is an attempt to work around the lack of support for instanceof in * some browsers. * @see http://www.getahead.ltd.uk/dwr/util-compat.html * @param data The object to test * @returns true iff data is an Array * @deprecated Not sure if DWR is the right place for this or if we support old browsers */ if (!DWRUtil.isArray) { DWRUtil.isArray = function(data) { DWRUtil._deprecated("DWRUtil.isArray", "(array.join != null)"); return (data && data.join) ? true : false; }; } /** * Date detector. * This is an attempt to work around the lack of support for instanceof in * some browsers. * @see http://www.getahead.ltd.uk/dwr/util-compat.html * @param data The object to test * @returns true iff data is a Date * @deprecated Not sure if DWR is the right place for this or if we support old browsers */ if (!DWRUtil.isDate) { DWRUtil.isDate = function(data) { return (data && data.toUTCString) ? true : false; }; } /** * Is the given node an HTML input element? * @see http://www.getahead.ltd.uk/dwr/util-compat.html * @param ele The element to test * @deprecated See the documentation for alternatives */ if (!DWRUtil.isHTMLInputElement) { DWRUtil.isHTMLInputElement = function(ele) { DWRUtil._deprecated("DWRUtil.isHTMLInputElement"); return DWRUtil.isHTMLElement(ele, "input"); }; } /** * Is the given node an HTML textarea element? * @see http://www.getahead.ltd.uk/dwr/util-compat.html * @param ele The element to test * @deprecated See the documentation for alternatives */ if (!DWRUtil.isHTMLTextAreaElement) { DWRUtil.isHTMLTextAreaElement = function(ele) { DWRUtil._deprecated("DWRUtil.isHTMLTextAreaElement"); return DWRUtil.isHTMLElement(ele, "textarea"); }; } /** * Is the given node an HTML select element? * @see http://www.getahead.ltd.uk/dwr/util-compat.html * @param ele The element to test * @deprecated See the documentation for alternatives */ if (!DWRUtil.isHTMLSelectElement) { DWRUtil.isHTMLSelectElement = function(ele) { DWRUtil._deprecated("DWRUtil.isHTMLSelectElement"); return DWRUtil.isHTMLElement(ele, "select"); }; } /** * Like document.getElementById() that works in more browsers. * @param id The id of the element * @deprecated Use $() */ if (!DWRUtil.getElementById) { DWRUtil.getElementById = function(id) { DWRUtil._deprecated("DWRUtil.getElementById", "$"); if (document.getElementById) { return document.getElementById(id); } else if (document.all) { return document.all[id]; } return null; }; } /** * Visually enable or diable an element. * @see http://www.getahead.ltd.uk/dwr/util-compat.html * @param ele The id of the element or the HTML element itself * @param state Boolean true/false to set if the element should be enabled * @deprecated DWR isn't a generic Javascript library */ if (!DWRUtil.setEnabled) { DWRUtil.setEnabled = function(ele, state) { DWRUtil._deprecated("DWRUtil.setEnabled"); var orig = ele; ele = $(ele); if (ele == null) { alert("setEnabled() can't find an element with id: " + orig + "."); return; } // If we want to get funky and disable divs and spans by changing the font // colour or something then we might want to check the element type before // we make assumptions, but in the mean time ... // if (DWRUtil.isHTMLElement(ele, "input")) { ... } ele.disabled = !state; ele.readonly = !state; if (DWRUtil._isIE) { if (state) { ele.style.backgroundColor = "White"; } else { // This is WRONG but the hack will do for now. ele.style.backgroundColor = "Scrollbar"; } } }; } /** * Set the CSS display style to 'block' * @param ele The id of the element or the HTML element itself * @deprecated DWR isn't a generic Javascript library */ if (!DWRUtil.showById) { DWRUtil.showById = function(ele) { DWRUtil._deprecated("DWRUtil.showById"); var orig = ele; ele = $(ele); if (ele == null) { alert("showById() can't find an element with id: " + orig + "."); return; } // Apparently this works better that display = 'block'; ??? ele.style.display = ''; }; } /** * Set the CSS display style to 'none' * @param ele The id of the element or the HTML element itself * @deprecated DWR isn't a generic Javascript library */ if (!DWRUtil.hideById) { DWRUtil.hideById = function(ele) { DWRUtil._deprecated("DWRUtil.hideById"); var orig = ele; ele = $(ele); if (ele == null) { alert("hideById() can't find an element with id: " + orig + "."); return; } ele.style.display = 'none'; }; } /** * Toggle an elements visibility * @param ele The id of the element or the HTML element itself * @deprecated DWR isn't a generic Javascript library */ if (!DWRUtil.toggleDisplay) { DWRUtil.toggleDisplay = function(ele) { DWRUtil._deprecated("DWRUtil.toggleDisplay"); var orig = ele; ele = $(ele); if (ele == null) { alert("toggleDisplay() can't find an element with id: " + orig + "."); return; } if (ele.style.display == 'none') { // Apparently this works better that display = 'block'; ??? ele.style.display = ''; } else { ele.style.display = 'none'; } }; } /** * Alter an rows in a table that have a class of zebra to have classes of either * oddrow or evenrow alternately. * This is probably not the best place for this method, but I dont want to have * to fight with multiple onload functions. * @deprecated DWR isn't a generic Javascript library */ if (!DWRUtil.alternateRowColors) { DWRUtil.alternateRowColors = function() { DWRUtil._deprecated("DWRUtil.alternateRowColors"); var tables = document.getElementsByTagName("table"); var rowCount = 0; for (var i = 0; i < tables.length; i++) { var table = tables.item(i); var rows = table.getElementsByTagName("tr"); for (var j = 0; j < rows.length; j++) { var row = rows.item(j); if (row.className == "zebra") { if (rowCount % 2) { row.className = 'oddrow'; } else { row.className = 'evenrow'; } rowCount++; } } rowCount = 0; } }; } /** * Set the CSS class for an element * @param ele The id of the element or the HTML element itself * @deprecated DWR isn't a generic Javascript library */ if (!DWRUtil.setCSSClass) { DWRUtil.setCSSClass = function(ele, cssclass) { DWRUtil._deprecated("DWRUtil.setCSSClass"); var orig = ele; ele = $(ele); if (ele == null) { alert("setCSSClass() can't find an element with id: " + orig + "."); return; } ele.className = cssclass; }; } /** * Ensure a function is called when the page is loaded * @param load The function to call when the page has been loaded * @deprecated DWR isn't a generic Javascript library */ if (!DWRUtil.callOnLoad) { DWRUtil.callOnLoad = function(load) { DWRUtil._deprecated("DWRUtil.callOnLoad", "window.addEventListener or window.onload"); if (window.addEventListener) { window.addEventListener("load", load, false); } else if (window.attachEvent) { window.attachEvent("onload", load); } else { window.onload = load; } }; } /** * Remove all the options from a select list (specified by id) and replace with * elements in an array of objects. * @deprecated Use DWRUtil.removeAllOptions(ele); DWRUtil.addOptions(ele, data, valueprop, textprop); */ if (!DWRUtil.fillList) { DWRUtil.fillList = function(ele, data, valueprop, textprop) { DWRUtil._deprecated("DWRUtil.fillList", "DWRUtil.addOptions"); DWRUtil.removeAllOptions(ele); DWRUtil.addOptions(ele, data, valueprop, textprop); }; } /** * Add rows to a table * @deprecated Use DWRUtil.addRows() */ if (!DWRUtil.drawTable) { DWRUtil.drawTable = function(ele, data, cellFuncs) { DWRUtil._deprecated("DWRUtil.drawTable", "DWRUtil.addRows"); DWRUtil.addRows(ele, data, cellFuncs); }; } /** * Remove all the children of a given node. * Most useful for dynamic tables where you clearChildNodes() on the tbody * element. * @param id The id of the element * @deprecated Use DWRUtil.removeAllRows() */ if (!DWRUtil.clearChildNodes) { DWRUtil.clearChildNodes = function(id) { DWRUtil._deprecated("DWRUtil.clearChildNodes", "DWRUtil.removeAllRows"); var ele = DWRUtil.getElementById(id); if (ele == null) { alert("clearChildNodes() can't find an element with id: " + id + "."); throw id; } while (ele.childNodes.length > 0) { ele.removeChild(ele.firstChild); } }; } /** * Do we alert on deprecation warnings * @private */ DWRUtil._showDeprecated = true; /** * We can use this function to deprecate things. * @deprecated * @private */ DWRUtil._deprecated = function(fname, altfunc) { if (DWRUtil._showDeprecated) { var warning; var alternative; if (fname == null) { warning = "You have used a deprecated function which could be removed in the future."; alternative = ""; } else { warning = "Utility functions like '" + fname + "' are deprecated and could be removed in the future."; if (altfunc == null) { alternative = "\nSee the documentation for alternatives."; } else { alternative = "\nFor an alternative see: " + altfunc; } } var further = "\nImport deprecated.js to get rid of this warning.\nDo you wish to ignore further deprecation warnings on this page?"; DWRUtil._showDeprecated = !confirm(warning + alternative + further); } };