// See: http://www.crockford.com/javascript/jslint.html /*global alert, window, document, navigator, DOMParser, XMLHttpRequest */ /** * Declare a constructor function to which we can add real functions. * @constructor */ function DWREngine() { } /** * Constants to pick the XMLHttpRequest remoting method. * For example: * DWREngine.setMethod(DWREngine.XMLHttpRequest); * @see DWREngine.setMethod() * @see DWREngine.IFrame */ DWREngine.XMLHttpRequest = 1; /** * Constants to pick the iframe remoting method. * For example: * DWREngine.setMethod(DWREngine.IFrame); * @see DWREngine.setMethod() * @see DWREngine.XMLHttpRequest */ DWREngine.IFrame = 2; /** * The default error handler displays an alert box, but that is not correct * for all applications, so this method allows you to set an alternative * error handler. * By default there is no error handler set. * @param handler A function to call with single an error parameter on failure * @see DWREngine.defaultMessageHandler() */ DWREngine.setErrorHandler = function(handler) { DWREngine._errorHandler = handler; }; /** * The default warning handler displays an alert box, but that is not correct * for all applications, so this method allows you to set an alternative * warning handler. * By default there is no error handler set. * @param handler A function to call with single an warning parameter on failure * @see DWREngine.defaultMessageHandler() */ DWREngine.setWarningHandler = function(handler) { DWREngine._warningHandler = handler; }; /** * The Pre-Hook is called before any DWR remoting is done. * Pre hooks can be useful for displaying "please wait" messages. * @param handler A function to call with no params before remoting * @see DWREngine.setPostHook() */ DWREngine.setPreHook = function(handler) { DWREngine._preHook = handler; }; /** * The Post-Hook is called after any DWR remoting is done. * Pre hooks can be useful for removing "please wait" messages. * @param handler A function to call with no params after remoting * @see DWREngine.setPreHook() */ DWREngine.setPostHook = function(handler) { DWREngine._postHook = handler; }; /** * Set the preferred remoting method. * setMethod does not guarantee that the selected method will be used, just that * we will try that method first. * @param newmethod One of DWREngine.XMLHttpRequest or DWREngine.IFrame */ DWREngine.setMethod = function(newmethod) { if (newmethod != DWREngine.XMLHttpRequest && newmethod != DWREngine.IFrame) { if (DWREngine._errorHandler) { DWREngine._errorHandler("Remoting method must be one of DWREngine.XMLHttpRequest or DWREngine.IFrame"); } return; } DWREngine._method = newmethod; }; /** * Which HTTP verb do we use so send results? * Must be one of "GET" or "POST". * @param verb the new HTTP verb. */ DWREngine.setVerb = function(verb) { if (verb != "GET" && verb != "POST") { if (DWREngine._errorHandler) { DWREngine._errorHandler("Remoting verb must be one of GET or POST"); } return; } DWREngine._verb = verb; }; /** * Do we attempt to ensure that remote calls happen in the order in which they * were sent? (Default: false) * Warning: Setting this to true will slow down your application, and could * leave users with an unresponsive browser if a message gets lost. * Sometimes there are better solutions where you make your application use the * asynchronous model properly. Please think before you use this method. * @param ordered true or false */ DWREngine.setOrdered = function(ordered) { DWREngine._ordered = ordered; }; /** * The default message handler. * Useful in calls to setErrorHandler() or setWarningHandler() to allow you to * get the default back. * @param message The message to display to the user somehow */ DWREngine.defaultMessageHandler = function(message) { if (typeof message == "object" && message.name == "Error" && message.description) { alert("Error: " + message.description); } else { alert(message); } }; /** * You can group several remote calls together using a batch. * This saves on round trips to the server so there is much less latency involved. * @see DWREngine.endBatch() */ DWREngine.beginBatch = function() { if (DWREngine._batch) { if (DWREngine._errorHandler) { DWREngine._errorHandler("Batch already started."); } return; } // Setup a batch DWREngine._batch = {}; DWREngine._batch.map = {}; DWREngine._batch.paramCount = 0; DWREngine._batch.map.callCount = 0; DWREngine._batch.metadata = {}; }; /** * We are finished grouping a set of remote calls together, now go and execute * them all. */ DWREngine.endBatch = function() { if (DWREngine._batch == null) { if (DWREngine._errorHandler) { DWREngine._errorHandler("No batch in progress."); } return; } // If we are in ordered mode, then we don't send unless the list of sent // items is empty if (!DWREngine._ordered) { DWREngine._sendData(DWREngine._batch); DWREngine._batches[DWREngine._batches.length] = DWREngine._batch; } else { if (DWREngine._batches.length == 0) { // We aren't waiting for anything, go now. DWREngine._sendData(DWREngine._batch); DWREngine._batches[DWREngine._batches.length] = DWREngine._batch; } else { // Push the batch onto the waiting queue DWREngine._batchQueue[DWREngine._batchQueue.length] = DWREngine._batch; } } DWREngine._batch = null; }; //============================================================================== // Only private stuff below here //============================================================================== /** * A function to call if something fails. * @private */ DWREngine._errorHandler = DWREngine.defaultMessageHandler; /** * A function to call to alert the user to some breakage. * @private */ DWREngine._warningHandler = DWREngine.defaultMessageHandler; /** * A function to be called before requests are marshalled. Can be null. * @private */ DWREngine._preHook = null; /** * A function to be called after replies are received. Can be null. * @private */ DWREngine._postHook = null; /** * An array of the batches that we have sent and are awaiting a reply on. * @private */ DWREngine._batches = []; /** * An array of batches that we'd like to send, but because we are in ordered * mode we won't until the current batch has been returned. * @private */ DWREngine._batchQueue = []; /** * A map of all the known current batches * @private */ DWREngine._callbacks = {}; /** * What is the default remoting method * @private */ DWREngine._method = DWREngine.XMLHttpRequest; /** * What is the default remoting verb (ie GET or POST) * @private */ DWREngine._verb = "POST"; /** * Do we attempt to ensure that remote calls happen in the order in which they * were sent? * @private */ DWREngine._ordered = false; /** * The current batch (if we are in batch mode) * @private */ DWREngine._batch = null; /** * Called when the replies are received. * This method is called by Javascript that is emitted by server * @param id The identifier of the call that we are handling a response for * @param reply The data to pass to the callback function * @private */ DWREngine._handleResponse = function(id, reply, httpRequestAllowed, authenticated, sessionValidated) { var func = DWREngine._callbacks[id]; // Clear this callback out of the list - we don't need it any more DWREngine._callbacks[id] = null; if (func) { // Error handlers inside here indicate an error that is nothing to do // with DWR so we handle them differently. try { if (!httpRequestAllowed) { DWREngine._httpRequestMethodDenied("Request Denied"); } else if (!authenticated) { DWREngine._authenticationFailureHandler("Client Authentication failed"); } else if (!sessionValidated) { DWREngine._sessionAuthenticationFailureHandler("Session Authentication failed"); } else { func(reply); } } catch (ex) { if (DWREngine._errorHandler) { DWREngine._errorHandler(ex); } } } else { // If there is no reply then we don;t worry about warning for a missing // callback function. if (reply) { if (DWREngine._warningHandler) { DWREngine._warningHandler("Internal Error: Missing callback for id='" + id + "'"); } } } }; /** * Called when errors are received. * This method is called by Javascript that is emitted by server * @private */ DWREngine._handleError = function(id, reason) { if (DWREngine._errorHandler) { DWREngine._errorHandler(reason); } }; /** * Call right at the end of a batch being executed to clear up * @param batch The batch to tidy up after * @private */ DWREngine._finalize = function(batch) { DWREngine._removeNode(batch.div); DWREngine._removeNode(batch.iframe); DWREngine._removeNode(batch.form); if (DWREngine._postHook) { DWREngine._postHook(); } // TODO: There must be a better way??? for (var i = 0; i < DWREngine._batches.length; i++) { if (DWREngine._batches[i] == batch) { DWREngine._batches.splice(i, 1); break; } } // If there is anything on the queue waiting to go out, then send it. // We don't need to check for ordered mode, here because when ordered mode // gets turned off, we still process *waiting* batches in an ordered way. if (DWREngine._batchQueue.length != 0) { var batch = DWREngine._batchQueue.shift(); DWREngine._sendData(batch); DWREngine._batches[DWREngine._batches.length] = batch; } }; /** * Remove a node from a document. * @param node the node to remove from the document that it's part of. * @private */ DWREngine._removeNode = function(node) { if (node) { node.parentNode.removeChild(node); } }; /** * Send a request to the server * This method is called by Javascript that is emitted by server * @param path The part of the URL after the host and before the exec bit * without leading or trailing /s * @param scriptName The class to execute * @param methodName The method on said class to execute * @param func The callback function to which any returned data should be passed * if this is null, any returned data will be ignored * @param vararg_params The parameters to pass to the above class * @private */ DWREngine._execute = function(path, scriptName, methodName, vararg_params) { var singleShot = false; if (DWREngine._batch == null) { DWREngine.beginBatch(); singleShot = true; } // To make them easy to manipulate we copy the arguments into an args array var args = []; for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length - 3; i++) { args[i] = arguments[i + 3]; } // All the paths MUST be to the same servlet if (DWREngine._batch.path == null) { DWREngine._batch.path = path; } else { if (DWREngine._batch.path != path) { if (DWREngine._errorHandler) { DWREngine._errorHandler("Can't batch requests to multiple DWR Servlets."); } return; } } // From the other params, work out which is the function (or object with // call meta-data) and which is the call parameters var func; var params; var metadata; var firstArg = args[0]; var lastArg = args[args.length - 1]; if (typeof firstArg == "function") { func = args.shift(); params = args; metadata = {}; } else if (typeof lastArg == "function") { func = args.pop(); params = args; metadata = {}; } else if (typeof lastArg == "object" && lastArg.callback != null && typeof lastArg.callback == "function") { metadata = args.pop(); params = args; func = metadata.callback; } else if (firstArg == null) { // This could be a null callback function, but if the last arg is also // null then we can't tell which is the function unless there are only // 2 args, in which case we don't care! if (lastArg == null && args.length > 2) { if (DWREngine._warningHandler) { DWREngine._warningHandler("Ambiguous nulls at start and end of parameter list. Which is the callback function?"); } } func = args.shift(); params = args; metadata = {}; } else if (lastArg == null) { func = args.pop(); params = args; metadata = {}; } else { if (DWREngine._warningHandler) { DWREngine._warningHandler("Missing callback function or metadata object."); } return; } // Get a unique ID for this call var random = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10001); var id = (random + "_" + new Date().getTime()).toString(); // var id = DWREngine._batches.length; // var id = idbase++; DWREngine._callbacks[id] = func; var prefix = "c" + DWREngine._batch.map.callCount + "-"; // merge the metadata from this call into the batch if (metadata != null) { for (var prop in metadata) { DWREngine._batch.metadata[prop] = metadata[prop]; } } DWREngine._batch.map[prefix + "scriptName"] = scriptName; DWREngine._batch.map[prefix + "methodName"] = methodName; DWREngine._batch.map[prefix + "id"] = id; // Serialize the parameters into batch.map DWREngine._addSerializeFunctions(); for (i = 0; i < params.length; i++) { DWREngine._serializeAll(DWREngine._batch, [], params[i], prefix + "param" + i); } DWREngine._removeSerializeFunctions(); // Now we have finished remembering the call, we incr the call count DWREngine._batch.map.callCount++; if (singleShot) { DWREngine.endBatch(); } }; /** * Called as a result of a request timeout or an http reply status != 200 * @param batch Block of data about the calls we are making on the server * @private */ DWREngine._abortRequest = function(batch) { if (batch && batch.metadata && batch.completed != true) { batch.completed = true; if (batch.req != null) { batch.req.abort(); if (batch.metadata.errorHandler) { if (typeof batch.metadata.errorHandler == "string") { eval(batch.metadata.errorHandler); } else if (typeof batch.metadata.errorHandler == "function") { batch.metadata.errorHandler(); } else { if (DWREngine._warningHandler) { DWREngine._warningHandler("errorHandler is neither a string (for eval()) or a function."); } } } } } }; /** * Actually send the block of data in the batch object. * @param batch Block of data about the calls we are making on the server * @private */ DWREngine._sendData = function(batch) { // Actually make the call if (DWREngine._preHook) { DWREngine._preHook(); } // Set a timeout if (batch.metadata && batch.metadata.timeout) { var funcReq = function() { DWREngine._abortRequest(batch); }; setTimeout(funcReq, batch.metadata.timeout); } // Get setup for XMLHttpRequest if possible if (DWREngine._method == DWREngine.XMLHttpRequest) { if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { batch.req = new XMLHttpRequest(); } // IE5 for the mac claims to support window.ActiveXObject, but throws an error when it's used else if (window.ActiveXObject && !(navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Mac') >= 0 && navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE") >= 0)) { batch.req = new window.ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } } // A quick string to help people that use web log analysers var statsInfo; if (batch.map.callCount == 1) { statsInfo = batch.map["c0-scriptName"] + "." + batch.map["c0-methodName"]; } else { statsInfo = "Multiple." + batch.map.callCount; } var query = "ajax=true&"; var prop; if (batch.req) { batch.map.xml = true; // Proceed using XMLHttpRequest batch.req.onreadystatechange = function() { DWREngine._stateChange(batch); }; // Force Mac people to use GET because Safari is broken. if (DWREngine._verb == "GET" || navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Safari') >= 0) { //add authentication Key query += encodeURIComponent("clientAuthenticationKey") + "=" + encodeURIComponent(DWREngine.clientAuthenticationKey) + "&"; for (prop in batch.map) { query += encodeURIComponent(prop) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(batch.map[prop]) + "&"; } query = query.substring(0, query.length - 1); try { batch.req.open("GET", batch.path + "?" + query); batch.req.send(null); } catch (ex) { if (DWREngine._errorHandler) { DWREngine._errorHandler(ex); } } } else { //add authentication Key query += "clientAuthenticationKey" + "=" + encodeURIComponent(DWREngine.clientAuthenticationKey) + "&"; for (prop in batch.map) { query += prop + "=" + batch.map[prop] + "&"; } try { batch.req.open("POST", batch.path + "?" + statsInfo, true); batch.req.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); batch.req.send(query); } catch (ex) { if (DWREngine._errorHandler) { DWREngine._errorHandler(ex); } } } } else { batch.map.xml = false; var idname = "dwr-if-" + batch.map["c0-id"]; // Proceed using iframe batch.div = document.createElement('div'); batch.div.innerHTML = ""; document.body.appendChild(batch.div); batch.iframe = document.getElementById(idname); batch.iframe.setAttribute('style', 'width:0px; height:0px; border:0px;'); if (DWREngine._verb == "GET") { for (prop in batch.map) { query += encodeURIComponent(prop) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(batch.map[prop]) + "&"; } query = query.substring(0, query.length - 1); batch.iframe.setAttribute('src', batch.path + "?" + query); document.body.appendChild(batch.iframe); } else { batch.form = document.createElement('form'); batch.form.setAttribute('id', 'dwr-form'); batch.form.setAttribute('action', batch.path); batch.form.setAttribute('target', idname); batch.form.target = idname; batch.form.setAttribute('method', 'post'); for (prop in batch.map) { var formInput = document.createElement('input'); formInput.setAttribute('type', 'hidden'); formInput.setAttribute('name', prop); formInput.setAttribute('value', batch.map[prop]); batch.form.appendChild(formInput); } document.body.appendChild(batch.form); batch.form.submit(); } } }; /** * Called by XMLHttpRequest to indicate that something has happened * @private */ DWREngine._stateChange = function(batch) { if (batch.req.readyState == 4) { try { if (batch.req.status && batch.req.status == 200) { batch.completed = true; var response = batch.req.responseText; if (response.indexOf("****/") > 0) response = "/****" + response; var footerPos = response.indexOf("/* EOF CFAJAX */"); if (footerPos > 0) response = response.substring(0, footerPos); eval(response); } else { ///////////////////////////document.frm.error.value = batch.req.responseText; if (batch.metadata != null) { DWREngine._abortRequest(batch); } else if (DWREngine._errorHandler) { var response = batch.req.responseText; if (response.indexOf("****/") > 0) response = "/****" + response; DWREngine._errorHandler(response); } } } catch (ex) { if (batch.metadata != null) { DWREngine._abortRequest(batch); } else if (DWREngine._errorHandler) { DWREngine._errorHandler(ex); } } DWREngine._finalize(batch); } }; /** * Hack a polymorphic dwrSerialize() function on all basic types. Yeulch * @see DWREngine._addSerializeFunctions * @private */ DWREngine._addSerializeFunctions = function() { Object.prototype.dwrSerialize = DWREngine._serializeObject; Array.prototype.dwrSerialize = DWREngine._serializeArray; Boolean.prototype.dwrSerialize = DWREngine._serializeBoolean; Number.prototype.dwrSerialize = DWREngine._serializeNumber; String.prototype.dwrSerialize = DWREngine._serializeString; Date.prototype.dwrSerialize = DWREngine._serializeDate; }; /** * Remove the hacked polymorphic dwrSerialize() function on all basic types. * @see DWREngine._removeSerializeFunctions * @private */ DWREngine._removeSerializeFunctions = function() { delete Object.prototype.dwrSerialize; delete Array.prototype.dwrSerialize; delete Boolean.prototype.dwrSerialize; delete Number.prototype.dwrSerialize; delete String.prototype.dwrSerialize; delete Date.prototype.dwrSerialize; }; /** * Marshall a data item * @param batch A map of variables to how they have been marshalled * @param referto An array of already marshalled variables to prevent recurrsion * @param data The data to be marshalled * @param name The name of the data being marshalled * @private */ DWREngine._serializeAll = function(batch, referto, data, name) { if (data == null) { batch.map[name] = "null:null"; return; } switch (typeof data) { case "boolean": batch.map[name] = "boolean:" + data; break; case "number": batch.map[name] = "number:" + data; break; case "string": batch.map[name] = "string:" + encodeURIComponent(data); break; case "object": if (data.dwrSerialize) { batch.map[name] = data.dwrSerialize(batch, referto, data, name); } else { if (DWREngine._warningHandler) { DWREngine._warningHandler("Object without dwrSerialize: " + typeof data + ", attempting default converter."); } batch.map[name] = "default:" + data; } break; case "function": // We just ignore functions. break; default: if (DWREngine._warningHandler) { DWREngine._warningHandler("Unexpected type: " + typeof data + ", attempting default converter."); } batch.map[name] = "default:" + data; break; } }; /** * This is for the types that can recurse so we need to check that we've not * marshalled this object before. * We'd like to do: * var lookup = referto[data]; * However hashmaps in Javascript appear to use the hash values of the *string* * versions of the objects used as keys so all objects count as the same thing. * So we need to have referto as an array and go through it sequentially * checking for equality with data * @private */ DWREngine._lookup = function(referto, data, name) { var lookup; for (var i = 0; i < referto.length; i++) { if (referto[i].data == data) { lookup = referto[i]; break; } } if (lookup) { return "reference:" + lookup.name; } referto.push({ data:data, name:name }); return null; }; /** * Marshall an object * @private * @see DWREngine._serializeAll() */ DWREngine._serializeObject = function(batch, referto, data, name) { var ref = DWREngine._lookup(referto, this, name); if (ref) { return ref; } // treat objects as an associative arrays var reply = "Object:{"; var element; for (element in this) { if (element != "dwrSerialize") { batch.paramCount++; var childName = "c" + DWREngine._batch.map.callCount + "-e" + batch.paramCount; DWREngine._serializeAll(batch, referto, this[element], childName); reply += encodeURIComponent(element); reply += ":reference:"; reply += childName; reply += ", "; } } reply = reply.substring(0, reply.length - 2); reply += "}"; return reply; }; /** * Marshall an array * @private * @see DWREngine._serializeAll() */ DWREngine._serializeArray = function(batch, referto, data, name) { var ref = DWREngine._lookup(referto, this, name); if (ref) { return ref; } var reply = "Array:["; for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) { if (i != 0) { reply += ","; } batch.paramCount++; var childName = "c" + DWREngine._batch.map.callCount + "-e" + batch.paramCount; DWREngine._serializeAll(batch, referto, this[i], childName); reply += "reference:"; reply += childName; } reply += "]"; return reply; }; /** * Marshall a Boolean * @private * @see DWREngine._serializeAll() */ DWREngine._serializeBoolean = function(batch, referto, data, name) { return "Boolean:" + this; }; /** * Marshall a Number * @private * @see DWREngine._serializeAll() */ DWREngine._serializeNumber = function(batch, referto, data, name) { return "Number:" + this; }; /** * Marshall a String * @private * @see DWREngine._serializeAll() */ DWREngine._serializeString = function(batch, referto, data, name) { return "String:" + encodeURIComponent(this); }; /** * Marshall a Date * @private * @see DWREngine._serializeAll() */ DWREngine._serializeDate = function(batch, referto, data, name) { return "Date:[ " + this.getUTCFullYear() + ", " + this.getUTCMonth() + ", " + this.getUTCDate() + ", " + this.getUTCHours() + ", " + this.getUTCMinutes() + ", " + this.getUTCSeconds() + ", " + this.getUTCMilliseconds() + "]"; }; /** * Convert an XML string into a DOC object. * @param xml The xml string * @return a DOM version of the xml string * @private */ DWREngine._unserializeDocument = function(xml) { var parser = new DOMParser(); var dom = parser.parseFromString(xml, "text/xml"); if (!dom.documentElement || dom.documentElement.tagName == "parsererror") { var message = dom.documentElement.firstChild.data; message += "\n" + dom.documentElement.firstChild.nextSibling.firstChild.data; throw message; } return dom; }; /** * Inform the users that the function they just called is deprecated. * @deprecated * @private */ DWREngine._deprecated = function() { if (DWREngine._warningHandler) { DWREngine._warningHandler("dwrXxx() functions are deprecated. Please convert to DWREngine.xxx()"); } }; /** * Stores the encrypted Key created by createClientAuthenticationKey() function */ DWREngine.clientAuthenticationKey = ""; DWREngine._authenticationFailureHandler = DWREngine.defaultMessageHandler; DWREngine._sessionAuthenticationFailureHandler = DWREngine.defaultMessageHandler; DWREngine._httpRequestMethodDenied = DWREngine.defaultMessageHandler; DWREngine.setClientAuthenticationKey = function(value) { DWREngine.clientAuthenticationKey = value; }; DWREngine.setAuthenticationFailureHandler = function(handler) { DWREngine._authenticationFailureHandler = handler; }; DWREngine.setSessionAuthenticationFailureHandler = function(handler) { DWREngine._sessionAuthenticationFailureHandler = handler; }; DWREngine.setHttpRequestMethodDeniedHandler = function(handler) { DWREngine._httpRequestMethodDenied = handler; };