Tuesday, January 30, 2001

Cursive! Foiled Again

Computer program correctly identifies handwriting

By Patchen Barss

Luddite kidnappers beware.

Computer scientists at the University at Buffalo have developed a program that can correctly identify the author of a handwritten ransom note 98 times out of a hundred.

"This is about validating individuality in handwriting," said Sargur Srihari, one of the architects of the software.

"The idea that everyone's handwriting is different is taken for granted. What we have done is to develop purely scientific criteria for that premise."

Traditionally, courts have relied on human beings to analyze ransom notes, forged cheques and other handwritten evidence. They compare them with handwriting samples known to have been written by a suspect in order to prove or disprove common penmanship. But using such visual criteria as garlands and arcades (styles of connecting letters in cursive script), and other graphological elements demands a degree of subjectivity.

Srihari's team created a program that takes precise measurements of other, simpler elements such as the shapes of individual characters, the size of descenders and the spaces between lines and words.

To test the software, they collected a database of more than 1,000 handwriting samples from people of both sexes and of diverse age and ethnicity. They found the system could then match a new writing sample with the original author with almost perfect accuracy.

Srihari, who directs the university's Centre for Document Analysis and Recognition, hopes to improve the software over the next year so that it can also quantify the more complex criteria used by human graphologists.

Kidnappers would be well advised to make their own technological advance and invest in a computer and printer.