String Match Demo

Word recognition systems commonly need to look up their output interpretation string(s) in a list of valid words (lexicon) for validation. When there are errors in the interpretation string s, a similarity metric is needed to determine the likelihood that a word w in the lexicon is the ``true'' value of s. The Damerau-Levenshtein metric is such a measure; it computes the distance between two strings as measured by the minimum cost sequence of ``edit operations'' --- namely, deletions, insertions, and substitutions --- needed to change the first string into the second.

We have generalized the Damerau-Levenshtein metric in two ways to more accurately compensate for the types of errors that are present in the script recognition domain. First, the basic method was extended to allow merges, splits and two-letter substitutions. Second, edit operations were refined into categories according to the effect they have on the ``appearance'' of words. A set of recognizer-independent constraints was developed to reflect the severity of the information lost due to each operation. These constraints were solved to assign specific costs to the operations.

This demo allows you to experiment with the extended metric. It matches a user supplied corrupted string with a lexicon of 21299 words.

Please type a corrupted string:
and its corresponding "truth" (optional):

Number of choices to be displayed: